World Rank List of Folklore 2011

Position Performer Country Category Points
1 Folklore Orchestra at Süleyman Demirel University Turkey G2 1,350
2 "Kalina" People's Ensemble of Russian Songs Russia B2 930
3 "Kopaniciar" Folklore Ensemble Slovakia D1 930
4 "Nastroenie" Folklore Group
"Ivan Vazov 1904" Community Center
Bulgaria D2 912
5 Mihaela Gerova Ivanova Bulgaria D1 900
6 Pavlina Hristova Evtimova Bulgaria B2 866
7 "Dospat" Folkore group
"Ivan Vazov 1926" Community center
Bulgaria A2 844
8 "Zmei Goryanin" Male Folklore Group
"Fakel 1926" Community center
Bulgaria B2 666
9 "Kamchiyska liliya" Female Folklore Group
"P. R. Slaveykov 1928" Community Center
Bulgaria B2 660
10 "Orfey" Vocal Formation
Society for Friendship with the Peoples of Russia and CIS
Bulgaria B2 644
11 "Persenk" Trio
"Rodopsko badeshte 1895" Community center
Bulgaria A2 642
12 "Horishtenche" Children's dance group
"Druzhba 1870" Community center
Bulgaria D1 630
13 "AA Epov" Russian folk orchestra and Choir for Russian songs Russia B2 620
14 "Gaydunitsa" Folklore Club
"Probuda 1907" Community Center
Bulgaria E2 620
15 "Kapanska Kitka" Ensemble for Spring Folklore
"Prosveta 1883" Community center
Bulgaria E2 620
17 "Sluchanskie Svyatki" Folklore Ensemble Belarus F2 620
18 Cheremosh Ukrainian Dance Company Canada D2 620
19 Female group for folklore songs
"Ivan Vazov 1904" Community center
Bulgaria B2 610
20 "Siyanie" Group for Authentic Folklore
"Vazrajdane 1935" Community Center
Bulgaria A2 560
21 Violeta Balkanska Bulgaria I2 560
22 "Ethno Voices" quartet
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
Bulgaria B2 554
23 "Manista" Trio
representative of the Municipality of Burgas
Bulgaria B2 550
24 Female People's Choir "Tipchenitsa's Mothers"
"Saznanie 1899" Community Centern
Bulgaria B2 550
25 Dolly Das India A2 540
26 "Dunavski ritmi" Dance group
"Hristo Smirnenski" Secondary school
Bulgaria D1 532
27 Angelina Kirilovna Litvinenko Russia B1 528
28 Mixed folklore choir
"Napredak 1869" Community center
Bulgaria B2 520
29 "Ahinora" Chamber Vocal Group
"Samorazvitie 1902" Community Center
Bulgaria B2 516
30 "Smolyanochka" Ensemble for Folklore Dances Russia D2 504
31 Maria-Magdalena Bregova Bulgaria A1 498
32 "Charan" Folklore ensemble
Archy Center for Spiritual Culture in Yakutsk
Russia A2 480
33 Group for authentic folklore
"Vasil Levski 1929" Community center
Bulgaria A2 472
34 "Radostina" Dance Formation
"Tsvetan Radoslavov" Secondary School
Bulgaria D1 450
35 "Elitsa" Ensemble
"Hristo Botev 1911" Community Center
Bulgaria F2 440
36 "Yablanska ogarlitsa" Dance group
"Nauka 1901" Community center
Bulgaria D2 436
37 "New Village" Folklore Ensemble
Omsk Musical College. Shebalin
Russia E1 420
38 "Sharen Gerdan" Folklore Group
"Prosveta 1919" Community center and Club of pensioner
Bulgaria B2 420
39 "Plamak" Vocal group
"Paisiy 1896" Community Center
Bulgaria B2 380
40 "Bamidbar" World Music Ensemble Israel G2 360
41 "Zidan parasol" Folklore Ensemble Slovenia D1 360
42 SIR SIMEKHTERE Russia D1 360
43 "Korten" Choir polyphonic folk singing
"Svetina 2000" Community Center
Bulgaria B2 352
44 "Sakartsi" Dance group
"Bratolyubie 1884" Community center
Bulgaria D2 352
45 Group for Spring Authentic Folklore
"Probuda" Community Center
Bulgaria A2 352
46 "Mladi sartsa" Female Vocal Group for Old Urban Songs
"Saedinenie - Mihaltsi 1870" Community Center
Bulgaria I2 350
47 "Rodna zemya" Choir
"Izvor 1873" Community center
Bulgaria B2 344
48 "Merakliyki" Dance Group
"Hristo Milev - Milevo 1930" Community Center
Bulgaria D2 340
49 "Zdravets" Female vocal group for authentic folklore
"Otets Paisiy 1927" Community center
Bulgaria A2 340
50 Female Vocal Group
"Prosveta 1927" Community center
Bulgaria B2 340