World Rank List of Folklore 2014
Position | Performer | Country | Category | Points |
1 |
"KÖKLER" Children’s Ensemble of folklore Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Turkey | D1 | 1,776 |
2 | Violeta Balkanska | Bulgaria | I2 | 1,650 |
3 |
"Dospat" Folkore group "Ivan Vazov 1926" Community center
Bulgaria | A2 | 1,512 |
4 |
"Svetlina" Mixed Folklore Group Teritorial organization of blind people
Bulgaria | B2 | 1,436 |
5 |
"Orfey" Vocal Formation Society for Friendship with the Peoples of Russia and CIS
Bulgaria | B2 | 1,425 |
6 | Gantari Gita Khatulistiwa Folklore Group | Indonesia | F1 | 1,350 |
7 | Folklore Ensemble at Malaysia Arts School Johor Bahru | Malaysia | D1 | 1,320 |
8 |
"Zmei Goryanin" Male Folklore Group "Fakel 1926" Community center
Bulgaria | B2 | 1,288 |
9 |
"Avliga" Folklore Trio "Peyo Kracholov Yavorov 1978" Community center
Bulgaria | A2 | 1,275 |
10 |
"Ot izvora" Folklore Formation "Gotse Delchev" 74th Secondary School
Bulgaria | B1 | 1,165 |
11 |
"Gadulitsa" Folklore Ensemble "Vazrodena iskra 2000" Community center
Bulgaria | F2 | 1,150 |
12 |
"Varbinski izvori" Folklore group "Bratan Shukerov 1953" Community center
Bulgaria | A2 | 1,132 |
13 |
"Feniks" Folklore Ttrio "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov 1908" Community center
Bulgaria | B2 | 1,105 |
14 | The Comic Opera For Children | Romania | F1 | 1,085 |
15 | Mihaela Ivanova and Atanas Monev | Bulgaria | D1 | 1,001 |
16 |
Ensemble for authentic folklore "Docho Mihaylov 1906" Community center
Bulgaria | E2 | 987 |
17 |
"Slav Boykin" Representative folklore ensemble "Sv. Sv. Kiril and Methodiy 1908" Community center
Bulgaria | F2 | 963 |
18 | Aleksandrina Ivanova | Bulgaria | A1 | 940 |
19 | "Domog" Ensemble | Mongolia | F2 | 930 |
20 |
"Ogneni ritmi" Children`s - youth dance ensemble Private association
Bulgaria | D1 | 930 |
21 |
"Dugo Selo" Tambura Orchestra "Dugo selo" Music school
Croatia | G2 | 880 |
22 | Vanesa Blazheva | Bulgaria | A1 | 846 |
23 |
Zornitsa Chavgova "Vasil Levski" Community center
Bulgaria | A1 | 840 |
24 |
Female Folklore Choir "Razvitie 1902" Community Center
Bulgaria | B2 | 812 |
25 | Mihaela Gerova Ivanova | Bulgaria | D1 | 810 |
26 | "Izvorash" Ensemble | Moldova | D1 | 780 |
27 |
"Beli ruzhi" Group for old urban songs "Napredak 1876" Community Center
Bulgaria | I2 | 774 |
28 |
"Zdravets" Group for authentic folklore "Sveti Georgi" Seniors club
Bulgaria | A2 | 765 |
29 |
"Zdravets" Dance Formation "Napredak 1908" Community Center
Bulgaria | D2 | 764 |
30 | "Kukerski club Zlatnite mechki" Association | Bulgaria | H2 | 762 |
31 |
"Iskritsa" Dance Club "Iskra 1921" Community center
Bulgaria | D2 | 750 |
32 |
"Trakiyska magiya" Children's dance group "Hristo Botev 1936" Community center
Bulgaria | D1 | 743 |
33 |
Dimitrovi Duet - Darena-Svetoslava and Maria-Desislava "Emiliyan Stanev" Secondary school
Bulgaria | G2 | 730 |
34 |
Dimitrichka Malakchieva "Napredak" Community center
Bulgaria | I2 | 718 |
35 |
Female group for high singing "Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy 1926" Community center
Bulgaria | A2 | 708 |
36 |
"Manista" Trio representative of the Municipality of Burgas
Bulgaria | B2 | 702 |
37 |
"Izvorche" Folklore Ensemble "Hristo Botev 1914" Community center
Bulgaria | E2 | 681 |
38 |
"Sharena kitka" Vocal group "Hristo Botev 1919" Community center
Bulgaria | B2 | 680 |
39 |
"Trakijski Ritmi" Folklore Choir "Komatevo" Pensioners Club
Bulgaria | B2 | 670 |
40 |
"Jiten klas" Representative Dance Ensemble for spring folklore "Geo Milev 1940" Community Center
Bulgaria | E2 | 666 |
41 |
Sabina Georgieva "Stefan Karadja" Pensioner's Club
Bulgaria | I2 | 660 |
42 |
"Sakartsi" Dance group "Bratolyubie 1884" Community center
Bulgaria | D2 | 648 |
43 | "DANK" National choreographic collective Children Ensemble of National Cultures | Russia | D1 | 630 |
44 |
Ensemble for folklore akarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office
Indonesia | F2 | 630 |
45 | UKM Seni Tari Universitas Hasanuddin | Indonesia | D2 | 630 |
46 | "Volnitsa" Ensemble for folklore songs | Latvia | B2 | 620 |
47 | "Zolotie koloski" People's Dance Ensemble | Russia | D1 | 620 |
48 |
"Zvezdanke" Folklore group "Narodno saznanie 1897" Community Center
Bulgaria | D2 | 620 |
49 |
"Melodiya" Vocal group "Probuda 1928" Community center
Bulgaria | I2 | 612 |
50 |
"Shareni manista" Children's Folklore Group "Napredak 1869" Community center
Bulgaria | B1 | 612 |